Forget what you know

Your wash-day is EXHAUSTING. Maintenance is just TOO MUCH.  But it doesn’t HAVE to be.

Our Plant-based conditioners are pH Optimized to SEAL the cuticle, lock in MOISTURE and make #curlLIFE SO-MUCH-EASIER.

Take the stress out of your wash-day with this SIMPLE routine…

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Meet Our Founder

A few years ago, I took the greatest risk of my life. I gave it all up. I left my corporate America job as a Financial Analyst to pursue my dream of creating a natural hair care brand that…


I'm sooo over it!

You waste HUNDREDS of dollars on products that JUST DON’T WORK.

Twist outs don’t last so you re-style every few days. (Overstyling = Breakage)

Your coils are TIGHT (and DRY) so you still search for that. “Holy Grail”.

So, what is the Beauty Unmasked secret to rocking beautiful coils?

First, forget everything you’ve learned and instead try our simple routine.

But, most importantly…

"Change how you see your curls,
not what they look like to the world."

You are PERFECTION. God created YOU to be YOU; EMBRACE what He gave you, and Rock it anyway.

You can try to do someone else’s coils, but it just takes away from the beauty of your own. LOVE how God made you and Rock it anyway.

Your difference is purposeful; only YOU can do you; CELEBRATE your own Natural and Rock it anyway.

If you are tired of  looking for Holy Grails and you really just want healthy hair. You’ve tried everything else, now try it the bU way.

And no matter the stretchiness or coiliness of your coils, Honor the natural God gave you and Rock it anyway.

curl REHAB

Your haircare guide to healthy, beautiful coils!

They don't own you

For so many years we have been shackled to this IDEA of “Pretty”.

For decades we have rejected our own Natural  –  our Hair type, our Body type, our Skin tone – just to conform to SOMEONE ELSE’S  definition of beauty.

But time’s up. Enough is enough.

Society doesn’t get to define your beauty, YOU DO!

LET’S GET SOCIAL! @beautyUNmasked_official

I KNOW that there is somebody that needs to hear this. 

If you use the right Conditioners, you DO NOT NEED GEL to define your twist out. 😮

Sign up for our curl REHAB newsletter to get the tea on this "Gel-less" routine. (Click the link in our bio then click the orange "Try Routine" button.)

#curlLIFE #KeepItSIMPLE 🧡
Growing up as a little girl on the islands (the Bahamas), I always thought I could be anything that I wanted to be. ⁠
Well, ALMOST anything. It still didn't occur to me that I could ever become an actor on the big screen with millions of people watching me. ⁠
It didn't occur to me until I watched "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" and learned about Sidney Poitier. ⁠
As you guys probably already know, Sidney Poitier was the first black actor to win an Academy Award in 1964 for his performance in Lilies of the Field.⁠
But see, he wasn't only a black actor, he was a black actor who was a BAHAMIAN, just like me. That is what made me so wide eyed and fascinated.  I saw someone that shared MY heritage represented in a way that I had never seen before, and that meant something to me.⁠
So many, like Sidney Poitier, shaped this world in a monumental way and helped us to realize how important Representation is. That is why we honor them. ⁠
But why must we stop here? They did it. So can you. Blaze the trail that you wanna blaze and change the world if you want it to change. ⁠
And if you can't See it, or Conceive it, then it's up to you (and to me) to Be it.⁠
#BlackHistoryMonth The torch is yours.🙌🏾
Every natural hair care brand wants to sell you a product.  Everyday there's a new gel, a new moisturizer, a new defining cream promising to be your holy grail. 🙄⁠
But we want to know what you ACTUALLY need.⁠
Let us know in the comments.⁠
Your #curlLIfe is our curl Life. 🧡⁠
Cicely Tyson was the first African American Actress to rock her natural hair on a tv show back in the 1960s. ⁠
It created such a stir that hair dressers all over the country started writing her letters because black women were all having their hair cut off to look like hers and it was starting to affect their business. ⁠
This is what we think of when we think about Black History Month; those innovators and inventors, activists and community leaders; the blood, sweat and tears of those trailblazers upon which ALL of our triumphs stand. ⁠
They were at the vanguard of every movement and momentous occasion that mattered, and that is why we honor them.⁠
But as we honor our great leaders this month, I would like to celebrate you too. Because I see you. I see the Innovator and the Entrepreneur in you. I see the Inventor and the Creator in you. I see the Activist and the Leader in you. You are a Trailblazer, and a History Maker. ⁠
Your name may not yet be in the history books. But one day, it will be and you too will have changed the world. 🙌🏾⁠
The minute I started to love and accept all of my physical attributes (all that God gave me, all that God created me to be) I no longer needed the mask (perfect coils or a made up face.) ⁠
This is when my entire life changed.⁠
How has being Natural changed you? Let us know in the comments.⁠
Remember that Amazing twist-out after TWO months of neglecting my hair?

Well this is 5 days later. Coils still Poppin'. Still Moisturized. Still Defined.  Why?

Because that's what good Conditioners do.🙌🏾

#curlLIFE  is the best life.🧡
They were created to DEFINE us, but all they do is DIVIDE us. ⁠
Curl pattern ISN'T important. Hair type ISN'T important. And whether you have 4a, 2c or 3b coils is even LESS important.⁠
You need a good routine and potent conditioners with quality ingredients, but the real secret to rocking beautiful coils is simple...⁠
EMBRACE them. Nurture them. LOVE them.⁠
#curlLIFE Keep it Simple. 🧡
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