COMPLICATED. We’re just doing way too much!

On your last wash day, you masterfully performed your 10-step PRE POO-SHAMPOO-DEEP CONDITIONER- RINSE OUT CONDITONER-LEAVE IN CONDITIONER-OIL-CURL CREAM-FLAX SEED GEL-SERUM-DIFFUSER routine like you normally do.

So, why doesn’t your coils pop, curl and twirl like your favorite Influencers’. The answer is simple – You don’t have the same coils that they do.

But the story doesn’t end here.

Because the issue is not with the characteristics of our own curls, but rather in the vigorous pursuit of this mythical “Perfect Coil” that doesn’t really exist and which God never intended for us to have in the first place (Otherwise, he would have given them to us.)!

It is an obsession that has driven many hair care brands to churn out gels and cremes and serums faster than you can say TWIST-OUT! But with every pursuit of perfection, there is always a price to pay.

Here’s how a positive natural hair movement has quickly spiraled out of control.


I will be the first to recognize, we have come a long way from the sliver of an aisle sandwiched between twenty million straight-hair-centric products at Whole Foods.

It IS wonderful to find rows and rows of our favorite brands at Target and Walmart and even on Amazon.

There’s something for (mostly) everyone. Only now, our hair care routine has become completely stressful, time consuming and overly complicated, while our Holy Grail 10-Step-Process continues to burn holes in our wallets even though it never quite gets us to the perfection that we continue to crave.

However, here is the bigger question is.

Is this all really necessary? Is this really what it takes to have healthy hair or is all simply a superficial illusion to make you think that you do?

Have we become SO out of balance when it comes to our natural hair care routine that we have lost sight of our reason for becoming natural in the first place…

To learn how to accept and embrace ourselves (and all the kinkiness that comes with it), for ourselves?

Here’s the truth…

When we are able to take the focus off of the curls we see on Instagram and embrace the beauty of our own (without having to create an illusion with 50 million products), it is only then that this obsession with perfection can end and the journey to healthy coils can begin.

Here’s what we discovered…

During the early stages of our research and development process, we were determined to create products that made the natural hair care routine as simple and stress free as possible.

What we found was that when we focused on the Rinse-out and Leave-in conditioners as the backbone of the hair care routine, and used carefully selected, potent ingredients at optimal levels in our formulation, this really changed how we approached our hair care regimen completely.

It greatly reduced our dependency on curl cremes, serums and flax seed gels.


Because truly healthy coils are shiny. Truly healthy coils have a smooth cuticle which locks in moisture for longer. Truly healthy coils effortlessly confirm to their natural curl pattern without excessive styling aids.

But it starts with a well formulated Rinse out and Leave-in Conditioner. Other than that, all you really need is a little oil and shea butter to seal the deal!

Are you ready? Begin your Natural Hair Journey with us, and get back to a Simpler, less Complicated way to hair care.

#FeedYourCurls #FeedYourSoul ?



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